Handwriting problems

illegibility: can America write?

facts on our handwriting crisis

The AMA's 1994 summer conference revealed that unreadable Rx's and medical records
present a major health hazard. Statistics established that
at least 1 in 10 Americans'
health suffers because of physicians' handwriting.

See also the later research by Charles Inlander in his book MEDICINE ON TRIAL;
pharmacists have difficulty reading 93% of the prescriptions they receive.
Even in hospitals,
20% of prescriptions defeat all attempts to read them

Click here for "Deadly Handwriting" -- how a doctor's scrawl caused brain injury, then death, to a patient.

In Queens, New York, another doctor's illegible handwriting kept his patient on dangerously wrong medication for almost a year. Click here to learn how it happened.
How a sloppily handwritten dosage amount killed a baby ... on his way to going home from the hospital.

For more disturbing events and statistics relating to
illegible medical
penmanship, click here to jump to "physicians' handwriting: the facts"
- further down on this page.

handwriting on prescriptions 'putting diabetics at risk'


  1. Each year, unreadable tax-form addresses
    mean that
    up to
    $95,000,000 in tax refunds cannot reach the people who should receive

  2. A plane crashed in
    December 1992 ... because of poor handwriting
    . The pilot
    misunderstood the co-pilot's scribbled notes and instrument readings.
    Acting on this wrong information caused the crash and resulting deaths.
    (Source: the handwriting improvement guide PLEASE WRITE: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR HANDWRITING FOR

  3. Similarly, internal investigation of a 1965 NASA failure revealed the surprising cause: an engineer's scrawled
    (and misread) instructions. (Source: the handwriting improvement guide PLEASE WRITE: HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR HANDWRITING FOR

  4. According to WIMA (the Writing Instrument Manufacturers
    and other good-handwriting advocates,
    each year the United States loses over
    $200,000,000 for handwriting-related reasons. This far exceeds the
    severe economic loss that the

    has traced to the thefts of computer hackers/crackers and other
    perpetrators of computer fraud.

    $200,000,000 lost yearly because of problem handwriting include time and money lost because ...



which range?

In Ashland, Wisconsin, bad handwriting changed the
name of an iron-rich mountain range:

"Colonel Whittlesey, who was engaged in a geological survey of
Northern Wisconsin [in the 1850s], had found much to encourage settlers
to come to northern Wisconsin. The rich mineral wealth he found while
surveying the Penokee range promised the need for railroads to be
built. He had named the range 'Pewabic' (Indian word for iron) but his
poor penmanship was misread as Penokee which is the name that has
stayed with the range."

when an explorer's scrawl goes west

The illegible writing of explorer Meriwether Lewis
left us guessing wrong - for almost two centuries - about the name of
his dog.

" ... Did you know?    . For
many years, scholars believed [explorer] Meriwether Lewis' Newfoundland
dog was named Scannon. Blame bad penmanship. About 20 years ago[, in
1985], historian Donald Jackson noticed a Montana stream in an
expedition map clearly designated as 'Seaman's Creek.' The explorers
used names of expedition members for many geographic features, but,

'No person named Seaman is known to have been
associated with the lives of either captain, and ... the word seems
strangely nautical in view of its location,' Jackson wrote in his book 'Among the Sleeping Giants.'

'It occurred to me[, said Jackson,] that the name
might be a garbled version of Scannon's Creek, in honor of the faithful
dog. ... No geographical feature had yet been named for him during the
entire expedition. I consulted microcopies of the journals held by the American
Philosophical Society
, half suspecting I would find that
Seaman's Creek was actually Scannon's Creek. What I learned instead was
mildly startling. The stream was named Seaman's Creek because the dog's
name was Seaman.' ... "

Related info appears at




— just named that way

Blame illegibility, not mischievous gnomes, for
the name of Nome, Alaska: the only American city named after an Arctic
geographical feature named after ... nothing.

the Nome, Alaska history-site
, " ...
against its wishes the city was stuck with the unusual name of Nome.
Unlike other towns which are named for explorers, hero[e]s or
politicians, Nome was named as a result of ... error.

In the 1850's an officer on a British ship off the
coast of Alaska noted on a manuscript map that a nearby prominent point
was not identified. He wrote '? Name"' next to the point.

When the map was recopied, another draftsman
thought that the ? was a C [which could stand for 'Cape']
that the a in "Name" was an o, and thus a
map-maker in the British Admiralty christened 'Cape Nome.' "

... er, SEQUIM, WASHINGTON -- when good names go postal.

In 1879, pioneers in the
northwestern United States named their settlement and its post office
"Seguin" because the town lay on a prairie of the same name. By 1907,
the U.S. Post Office had incorrectly registered the town's name --
twice -- thanks to poor handwriting on official reports in the days
before keyboarding. According
to city records
"In 1907, due to a Postal Official's error in reading an official
report, the post office was titled 'Seguim' for approximately a month.
With the next report, the Official read the letter 'g' as a 'q' and the
post office here became known as 'Sequim.' The name change apparently
did not worry the residents enough to protest. It has been known as
Sequim ever since."


Travelers throughout the UK and
around the world enjoy visiting Scotland and touring such scenic
islands as the Hebrides ... but how many of them know that this famous
name owes its current spelling and pronunciation to a long-ago
handwriting error? The
gave these islands the name of "Hebudae" or "Hebudes" -- when
eighteenth-century tourists rediscovered the locale and researched
island history, somebody mistook a handwritten "u" for a handwritten
"ri" ... once enough other writers had copied the original error, it
became official.


Even the sciences do not escape
the terminological tumbles caused by scribbling scribes. The
astronomical term "zenith" -- meaning the highest point in the sky,
directly overhead -- started out as "samt": an Arabic word for "path"
that early astronomers used in the phrase "samt arras" meaning the
"path above the head." Medieval scribes,
rendering Arabic words in
Latin letters as they translated and copied, dutifully copied the
unfamiliar word ... but, then as now, an "m" in handwritten copy often
looked sloppy enough for the next person to read as "ni": eventually
creating "zenith" as other errors and variations in usage accumulated.



cartooon (from The Hundu Business Line of India) the shape of
things to come things to come in Handwriting?

It doesn't have to happen! Learn how a computer or cell-phone can now
improve your handwriting.



HAIL (or
something) TO THE CHIEF:

According to the LOS ANGELES TIMES on November 9,
, a National
audit of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library revealed
that the library had lost track of 80,000 of its 100,000 items — partly
because of the sloppy handwriting of presidential aides and other staff
who had selected, shipped, and catalogued the items.


Vermont Public Radio reports (October 31, 2007)
on the illegibly scrawled visa waiver that turned a hopeful
tourist into an illegal immigrant. Valeria Vinnikova, fiancée of
Dartmouth College squash coach Hansi Wiens, had a visa waiver which
authorized her to remain in the USA till October 13, 2007 — according
to information provided to the soon-to-wed couple by a Homeland
Security officer in the U.S. Customs and Borders Protection division.
However ... the officer had misread the waiver's sloppily scrawled
expiration date — actually October 3. The ten days' error (created by a
couple of poorly written pen-strokes) caused Valeria to overstay her
visa: requiring the US Government to initiate deportation proceedings
which will bar Valeria from the country for ten years. As Vermont
Radio notes
: "Ten years of separation is not how Wiens
and Vinnikova planned to start their marriage." UPDATE: Some concerned folks at Dartmouth College
and elsewhere finally got this silly thing overturned — AFTER Valeria
spent 28 days in three jails.
Free at last, free at last ...
until the next illegibly scribbling functionary comes along?


A U.S. Government investigation reported by NEWSDAY
on November 10, 2007 revealed
that a series of clerical errors
(including the common handwriting error of confusing an "8" with a "3")
left the wrong man buried in a hero's grave. The military cemetery
tombstone erected for Willie Hayes (born 1948), an honorably
discharged, triply decorated Vietnam war Army veteran, has turned out
to mark instead the body of William Hayes (born 1943) who left the Army
with a discharge other than honorable — and who died four years earlier
than Willie. Because William did not in fact qualify for a military
cemetery gravesite, the U.S. government has offered to pay for exhuming
William's remains and burying Willie in his place. However, notes NEWSDAY, "since four years have elapsed since
William Hayes was buried with military honors as Willie Hayes ... the
body might be so decomposed that undertakers would have next to nothing
to move."


According to this CNN report, when
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former chief of staff to Vice-President Dick
Cheney, had to appear before the grand jury in his trial for
obstruction of justice and perjury, the court could not decipher
Scooter's voluminous handwritten notes which formed a key part of the
evidence in the trial. Therefore, Scooter received a rare privilege:
permission to read these notes to the prosecutor. This allowed Scooter
to claim that the notes said whatever Scooter wanted them to say.
Although the court convicted Scooter, the president has commuted this

Outraged at handwriting corruption in high places?

Sign the



GOOD GRAVY ... bad
recipe card

Did you know that the "v" in the word "gravy"
came from the bad handwriting of a medieval cook?

As Monash
linguistics professor Kate Burridge
explains (in

" ... the word gravy ... derives from Old French, either graine
meaning 'meat' or grané meaning 'grain of spice'.

... sometime during the 14th century, someone
slipped up in translating the original French cook books and misread
the 'n' of the French word — and the mistake stuck. ...

The problem was that the letters u, v,
i, m, and n were all very similar at the time.
The strokes were identical. To make matters worse, scribes didn't leave
a space between the letters. So if you had a whole lot of them together
it was extremely difficult to figure out what they represented. Let's
say you had five strokes in a row. That could represent uni,
, imi, ivu, nui and a number of other
possibilities. Things were made even harder because it wasn't the
custom then to put a dot or a stroke above the letter 'i'. Small
wonder there was the occasional slip."

Click here to see a medieval cookbook page with "n"
often handwritten like "u" — and "u" often written like "n"

You'll find "graueye" — one way of spelling "gravy" back then —
on the second line from the bottom. Note how much the "u" in "graueye"
looks like the "n" in another word on the same cookbook page, "Codlyng"

Confusing medieval letter-shapes like these led
Renaissance scribes to search for an easier-to-read alphabet style that
would still permit fast writing. Today, the quest for legibility
continues among those who like their handwriting clearer than their

NUTRITIOUS, CHOCOLATEY, ... and misunderstood

Next time you stir up a glass of Ovaltine, think of this: the drink's inventor, Swiss scientist George Wander
wanted to call it "Ovomaltine" because the original ingredients
included egg protein and malt.
his sloppy scrawl on the trademark application form left it officially
named "Ovaltine" for many years.

(In Switzerland and many other nations, the
product now has the name that Wander originally intended. But the USA
and the UK still call it "Ovaltine.")





You have probably played or heard Beethoven's
"Für Elise," the well-known piece he composed for the love of his
life: Therese von Brunswick.

THERESE von Brunswick?! Yes.

When the manuscript turned up after Therese's death,
Beethoven's semi-legible handwriting left the printer to guess about
the title ... and the printer guessed wrong.
Unfortunately for Beethoven and the rest of us, since
Beethoven too had died he could not correct the error (which has
remained in all editions).



Bad handwriting has affected the rock world, too.
Many Eric
Clapton fans
have puzzled over the name of Clapton's
instrumental piece "Badge." Clapton wrote this piece as an instrumental
bridge while working with the band CREAM. The
band-leader, trying to decipher the scribbled score, mis-read Clapton's
hand-scrawled "Bridge" as "Badge."



HAVOC: UK postal system destroys 5,000,000 illegibly addressed
Christmas cards and letters

According to this United Press International news release,
the end of 2006 Britain's Royal Mail (the UK postal service) had to
hire 3,000 new workers (more than twice its usual permanent staff of
1,400) just to decipher illegible addresses on holiday greetings.

Out of 2,000,000,000 cards and letters mailed in the UK during the
Christmas season, each year the Royal Mail must destroy 5,000,000 as
undeliverable because their addresses and return addresses defy


When you have colds, flu, sinus problems, or allergies, say
"Gesundheit!" for medieval mangled handwriting

Etymologists (students of word origins) have
discovered that our word "sneeze" once began with an "f". Medieval
English called a sneeze a "fnese" — which certainly sounds much more
like sneezing than our version of the word. Partly because medieval
handwritten "f"s and "s"s look very much alike, so many people
perceived the "f" as an "s" that "sneeze" spread like a virus and
"fnese" blew into extinction. (Source: Canadian Broadcasting Company program on word

How a handwriting error changed the name of your favorite actress

When celebrity-watching
Abigail Pogrebin interviewed HBO's Sarah Jessica Parker
the actress revealed that her family owes its last name to a series of
bureaucratic blunders which included one handwriting error. Pogrebin
Parker in ABC news coverage
: "My great-grandfather on my
father's side [was surnamed] 'Bar-Kahn' ... and the immigration officer
thought he said 'Parken.' He wrote his N's like R's, so 'Parken' became
'Parker' ... ".



SCHOOL DAZE: when bad
handwriting happens to good textbooks

Believe it or not, bad handwriting can prevent the
teaching of good handwriting. When Portland State University Continuing Education Press
produced the first edition of the Getty-Dubay Italic Handwriting Series,
textbook authors Barbara Getty and Inga Dubay
soon found that schools ordering the books weeks or months ago still
had not received them. After many frantic calls to the warehouse, the
ironic reason appeared.

A warehouse manager, trying to speed the books out
the door, had put a note on the books reading "Ship!" — but in
the manager's sloppy handwriting, the "h" looked like a "k":
the message to "Skip!"

So, week after week, the warehouse employees
obediently skipped what needed shipping.



SURE TOOK A LONG TIME TO BOUNCE": forger signs bad checks as
not-so-"Honest Abe"

A New York City forger reportedly funded his
holiday shopping spree by signing all his bad checks with a scribbled
"Abraham Lincoln."
The illegible handwriting kept people from
deciphering the famous name and becoming suspicious.

TO FORGE: if you want to get scammed, scrawl.

Many people suppose that unreadable signatures
somehow baffle forgers. In fact, forgers prefer victims who sign illegibly.
Imitating a clearly written signature
any style
takes much more time and effort than imitating a

Clear signatures pay off in other ways, too. When
Florida caricature artist Keelan Parham signed a piece legibly instead
of scrawling, this enabled an admirer of the drawing to track down the
artist and commission more work from him. Says Parham: "I never would
have gotten this job if she hadn't been able to read my signature."



San Diego literacy researcher Patrick Groff
has documented that at least one out of every three schoolteachers
writes so illegibly
that the students have trouble reading
blackboard lessons, assignments, or the teacher's corrections on
written work.
This plainly makes
learning - and teaching - a hazardous process.

  • Sometimes, the
    teachers cannot even read their own handwriting:
    teacher's illegibly scrawled comment eventually turned out to read,
    "Please write legibly!"

    1. Not only a teacher's scrawl, but a
      student's scribble, can affect the student's grades. Handwriting
      performance researcher Steve Graham reveals: "Two out of three kids in this country do not write
      well enough for their classroom work." (quote by Graham in the
      CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR's November 14, 2007 report on handwriting in

      Graham's and others' studies also show that better handwriting really
      does result in better grades for similar or identical work:
      as much as a full letter grade better
      if the teacher or exam grader has received (and has tried to
      follow) instructions not to allow handwriting to influence the grade.

      What does this mean when students with poor handwriting must compete
      against students with better handwriting? (for instance, on nationally
      standardized essay tests like the revised SAT's essay section — or
      on college-application essays or job-application forms)

      Some students facing exams,
      or their anxious parents, hope to avoid the consequences of
      dysfunctional handwriting by making special arrangements to gain an
      exemption permitting them to keyboard their essays. The Educational
      Testing Service — makers of the SAT exam —
      permits this in various cases if the student
      has a well-documented disability that affects handwriting.

      BUT ...

      not all students and parents who gain an SAT keyboard
      exemption make themselves aware of what happens to the exempted essays
      before grading.

      Before a keyboarded SAT essay goes to the graders, it
      reportedly has sometimes happened that the exam proctor copied out the
      essay by hand and submitted this copy instead of the student's original
      When this occurs (apparently without the knowledge or
      consent of the Educational
      ) it seems that the exam proctor does this in
      hopes to prevent graders and college admissions officers (who
      ultimately see these exams) from ascertaining whether or not a student
      had a disability affecting writing (something that they might otherwise
      ascertain by noting whether or not the student had used a keyboard).

      Results of this policy:

      /a/ many of the keyboarded essays reach the graders weeks
      or even months after the essays of other students (who handwrote their
      essays). Therefore, students who gained an exemption to keyboard
      have, at times, found their essay-test scores delayed by weeks or even
      while other students (who handwrote because they needed no
      exemption) have already received their SAT scores and sent these scores
      to the colleges that the students would like to attend. The
      resulting delay in admissions, for students who received permission to
      keyboard on the SAT, may close these students out of the college
      programs of their choice as earlier entrants fill the places available.

      /b/ even if the examination proctor submits a handwritten
      copy of a s keyboarded essay promptly enough to allow reasonably swift
      grading, this necessarily makes that student dependent on the hope that
      whoever proctored the exam (usually a schoolteacher) may happen to
      write legibly..

      Vast numbers of teachers (and other adults who might proctor
      SAT exams) simply do not write legibly.

      So a student who gains permission to keyboard the SAT essay
      may not avoid handwriting difficulties after all. His or her score may
      suffer because of something that the student cannot control or improve:
      someone else's scrawl.
      (This may explain why students who could
      legitimately gain permission to keyboard their SAT essays have
      nevertheless come to me in search of better handwriting. They would
      rather have a chance of doing better because of their own improved
      handwriting than face a chance of doing worse because of someone else's
      poor writing.)


    Computers and pocket organizers, which many tech-savvy people tout as solutions, do not solve handwriting problems. 

    For one thing, many hard-up schools and school districts lack the money to afford to buy or repair any computers -
    or even typewriters. A school that can't provide typewriters (even manual ones) for its typing classes probably will not have keyboards available for other work.)

      And - even if everyone had a computer available, all the time - more and more of the new computers and pocket organizers rely on "non-keyboard input." Very often, this means "pen-based input", i.e., handwriting (entered with an electronic pen on a special tablet or screen - click here to find out more!)

      If your "pen-based input" does not compute — if the machine cannot read your handwriting correctly — all the computing skills in the world will not help you use your computer.

    1. Shopping lists, quick notes, house
      addresses, phone numbers, Web-site addresses, Post-Its(TM),
      doctors' appointment cards, coupons, & data-entry forms: where
      speed AND accuracy "on the run" have top priority, we still rely on the
      good old paper and pen/cil!)

      Handwriting classes for college
      students: the time may have come.

      Unheard of? Perhaps ... yet certainly
      necessary! At least, so says the Department of Art at Saint Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa.
      Continuing a policy established in the 1950s by an earlier Art
      Department head, the late Dr. Edward Catich (author of The Origin
      of the Serif
      ), the Art Department requires ALL students who elect a
      calligraphy class to begin their studies with remedial penmanship,
      italic-style, using materials developed by Edward Catich and a later
      head, John Schmits.

      Said Schmits, shortly before his untimely death in 2005: "If I could, I
      would extend the penmanship requirement to the rest of the student
      body, not just the calligraphy students." The tradition, though,
      continues since his death: students in other departments (education,
      occupational therapy, etc.) can and do take the handwriting class along
      with the calligraphy students. The university requires all students
      taking this class to use their re-built penmanship for all their
      writing: in the classroom, and out.

      The results have overwhelmingly favored their efforts: not only in the
      life-long benefit to the students themselves, but in the effect on
      local private and public schools, as graduates often accept teaching
      positions in the Art department, teaching italic handwriting as
      calligraphy, in schools in Davenport and the surrounding area. To
      order teaching materials used for the handwriting class at Saint
      Ambrose University, contact the Saint Ambrose University Department of Art or the Saint Amb
      rose University Bookstore .

      Finally — what about the many
      situations which make keyboarding, tape-recording, etc., just plain
      impractical? ...
      How many of us can get through even one whole day
      without once needing to put pen or pencil to paper, without once
      needing to read the letters, words, and numbers handwritten by others?

    physicians' handwriting: the facts

    According to a study by the University of Minnesota
    School of Public Health, illegible handwriting and transcription errors
    cause over 60% of the medication mistakes in hospitals.



    Why the crisis?

    How things got this way


    • Decreased
      emphasis, from decade to decade, on handwriting competence
      - Average
      instruction time for handwriting has shrunk, over the decades, to 5-10
      minutes a week; with usually no instruction/presentation after grades
      3-4. In other words: at just the point in education when one must write
      more - and write faster- in order to keep up with the work, the
      curriculum phases out even minimal instruction in handwriting).


    • You cannot teach
      what you do not know
      ... and teacher-training
      in most US states no longer includes any instruction in the teaching of
      handwriting. From the 1930s to the 1950s, handwriting started vanishing
      from more and more teachers'-college course-lists; by now, most
      teachers' colleges no longer even offer - let alone require taking -
      any course in how to teach handwriting. The vast majority of today's
      teachers'-college graduates no longer have to demonstrate competence in
      teaching handwriting - they do not even need to write legibly
      themselves - if they want to gain the credentials that will let them
      teach your child.

    • This means that
      today's teachers got their own final lessons in handwriting at about
      age seven or eight ... and they got those lessons from teachers who
      themselves received their own final training and evaluation in
      handwriting at that age. (Would you let your child learn any other
      subject/skill - math, science, history, or spelling - from someone
      whose teaching skills and subject-matter knowledge came entirely out of
      what that teacher remembered from attending the 2nd or 3rd grade of

    • Even what little
      teaching a child may still get usually suffers because of the split
      between 2 divergent styles of letter:

    word This ball and stick print writingword This Conventional Cursive

    We do not allow this artificial split in any
    other area of education. For instance, we'd call it ridiculous to try
    to teach math entirely in Roman numerals up into second or third grade,
    then suddenly drop it all and start over again with modern Arabic
    numerals or even algebra ... and we don't teach English by starting off
    with Chinese.


    Today's conventional cursive model (which
    most of us have learned to regard as traditional) has rhythm and (at
    its very best) even beauty. But even at its best it presents teaching
    and performance problems:

    For one example of the problems of
    conventional cursive - the easiest problem to see, note the
    t-bar time-waster, illustrated

    (NOTE: thin lines - indicating motion during
    pen-lifts - would of course follow a straight or nearly straight path
    in rapid, high-quality handwriting. For visibility's sake, this
    illustration bends them slightly out of the way.)

    diagram of pen movements Conventional Cursive

    As the above diagram shows, students learning
    conventional cursive typically learn not to complete (cross) the t
    until after reaching the end of the word.

    As shown, this requires the pen to waste
    time: going into the air at the end of the word in order to travel all
    the way back to the beginning of the word (thin line) in order to cross
    the t, then going into the air again and traveling forward over the
    entire word (thin line) in order to arrive (once again) at the end of
    the word ... only then (after all this wasted time and motion) does the
    writer reach the point at which he or she can go on to the next word.

    By contrast, our civilization's original
    cursive-handwriting manuals - in Renaissance Europe - avoided this
    wastage by crossing the T upon writing it , not
    procrastinating till the end of the word in today's fashion:

    diagram of pen movements Italic Cursive


    (The join, as shown here, extended from the
    crossbar of t instead of from the base.)

    The thin lines here show the much shorter
    pen-in-air path, with almost zero back-and-forth wasted motion, that
    was designed by those Renaissance originators of our cursive
    handwriting - we can see the greater efficiency and orderly sequence
    here: one finishes each and every letter (including the t) before
    beginning the next.

    Unfortunately for those of us who find
    handwriting less than marvelously easy, Austin Norman Palmer
    (originator of the famed "Palmer Method") and his equals in penmanship
    — people who did so much to form the common mind (and hand) of our
    nation — apparently gave as little throught as other men and women of
    their time to the efficiency-minded cursive that their Renaissance
    forebears had used.

    Handwriting matters so much — and many
    neglect it so much — that those who seek to defend it owe it to
    themselves not to reject the traditional (as well as demonstrably
    simpler and more efficient) Renaissance Italic cursive style in the
    name of the complexities which became familiar in later times.


    handwriting: some teaching/doing tips
    for ANY style:

    Consider the following:

    In teaching, emphasize the downstrokes of
    letters. Teach that these should, as a rule, parallel each other. Such
    strokes should go parallel to the overall salnt of the writing, ALL the
    way down until they hit a guide-line such as the "baseline" the writing
    sits on, and/or the "very bottom line" that marks the bottom of the
    descenders. Downstrokes need to reach this line before they
    begin turning or curving into the next, upward stroke!

    (Just this tip will improve the
    appearance, legibility, & even speed unbelievably for most writers.)

    Diagram of down-strokes

    NOTE: By down-strokes, I mean not only the
    "obvious" ones (such as the long strokes in l, j, and
    ) but also the ones that most school-models teach as curves or
    parts of a circle:

    e.g., the "left edge" of a letter like d
    or g or a,

    or the "right edge" of p or m
    or n

    Since a downstroke provides the easiest and
    best control, motorically, I build as much of the letter as I can out
    of a good, firm downstroke -- I find it helps to build the other
    letters by learning to connect the down-strokes together in "motor
    patterns" ("dinosaur teeth", --> v w etc. -- & "bumps" --> m
    n h etc. -- & "waves" --> u y, etc., as well as other patterns

    dinosaur teeth, bumps and waves

    Use only about a 5-to-15 degree slant to the
    right for cursive writing (also for manuscript if you want) -- this
    will allow the "flow" of slant writing, while remaining very, very
    legible because it writing will appear vertical or almost vertical (The
    more slant, the less legibility. Though most of us need a bit of slant
    for speed, we do not need more than a very slight slant for the sake of

    Most handwriting styles, from the dawn of the
    written word. have gravitated to this 5-to-15-degree range of slant
    when performed by the fastest and most legible writers: no matter what
    writing tool or writing surface the writer used, and no matter what
    slant the writer tried to emulate.


    CLICK HERE to download and print FREE 5-degree
    slant paper.

    CLICK HERE to download and print FREE 10-degree
    slant paper.

    CLICK HERE to download and print FREE 15-degree
    slant paper.

    (Above papers FREE for printing and download,

    courtesy of David R. Goines, man of
    arts and letters

    For papers without slant lines — but with
    many other helpful features — consider the Stage-Write
    Handwriting Paper Series from Therapro

    For a history of slant and other features in
    handwriting, and research supporting a slant of 5 to 15 degrees as well
    as other features recommended on this page, I recommend HANDWRITING MODELS FOR SCHOOLS by handwriting
    teacher and researcher Charles "Chuck" Lehman.

    A word about joining ...

    Wherever possible, join letters by using
    straight, not curvy, lines: e.g.,use a straight, short horizontal to
    join o to n (on), and a straight, short upwards
    diagonal to join a to n (an).

    stratight joins versus looped joins diagram

    Consider eliminating loops wherever possible
    (for example: on ascender-letters such as l/h/k).
    Teach/allow/encourage the writer to do these as retraced strokes,
    and/or even with a pen-lift. This will vastly improve legibility!

    Many legible/fast-writing adults naturally
    write loop-free letters in any case, so eliminating loops arguably does
    not make handwriting "wrong" even under the constraints of conventional

    STRONGLY consider allowing
    and encouraging students to write "print-like" forms of capitals, even
    in cursive writing (as long as these slant the same as the rest of the
    cursive writing). At the very least, permit and encourage this for some
    of the "twistier" & more confusible capitals such as the
    conventional cursive S, G, I, J, etc.


    Teach every student how to read and recognize
    the fancy conventional forms ... but do not worry the student
    about writing them! (Given proper techniques for learning to read that
    fancy "cursive writing" stuff, learning to read it takes an hour or
    less if the student can read ordinary printed letters. Learning to
    write it, too, can take much, much longer. Today's crowded curriculum
    may make it difficult to justify calling other classwork to a halt so
    that students can spend a few months or a couple of years changing
    their handwriting to a more elaborate style.)

    Many adults, after all (including the most
    legible rapid writers) "print" their capitals. Since capitals form only
    2% of ordinary prose text, no reason demands teaching such
    effort-intensive forms to everybody for all cursive writing. Cursive
    writing, with every capital made in a "print-like" manner, remains 98%
    conventional-cursive writing.

    Similarly: especially where students have a
    problem with lower-loop shaping (e.g., g, j, y), STRONGLY consider
    teaching each student not to join/loop out of these letters,
    but to make the "move" out of the letter "in the air" -- i.e., lift
    the pen. A writer should also consider lifting the pen (instead of
    joining) wherever he or she finds a particular join actually slower
    (even after practice!) than just lifting the pen while moving
    ahead to the next letter.

    Frequent "trouble spots" that post far less
    trouble when one teaches an efficient "air-join" instead of requiring a
    twisty, convoluted "on-paper join" include: the letter-combinations ca,

    gh and qu -

    Diagram troblesome joins


    NOTE: Again, most fast/legible-writing adults
    do normally eliminate some or many loops/joins in their
    handwriting. Much of what schoolteachers and textbooks impose upon our
    handwriting in elementary school burdens a handwriter with excess:
    that the fastest, clearest writers discard anyway as
    they mature ... so why teach it to anyone in the first place? (E-mail me
    for details on this, if it interests you ... or visit the Home of the Handwriting
    and learn about others of a like mind )


    VERY strongly consider using "print-like"
    (not conventional- cursive) forms for the lower-case letters b,
    f, r, s, & z

    print-like b, f, r, s and z in words basis frozen

    NOTE: For some letters,

    this involves teaching/accepting

    non-total joining of letters throughout

    Rest assured - the sky will not fall

    Many adults who write fast and legibly do it
    by using print-like letter-shapes and not joining absolutely every
    letter, rather than cope with 2 separate forms: manuscript and cursive.

    Writing of this type removes the
    "accident-proneness" from many handwritten alphabet-letters. With this
    kind of writing, you don't get a b that looks like l -
    an f that resembles b - a z that resembles y
    or perhaps a distorted n - or an r or s that
    looks more like a too-tight e or a dot-less i.)

    Have students put the paper in front of their
    "writing shoulder" (NOT in front of their heads!) -- righties by the
    right shoulder, lefties by the left -- after all, the arm attaches on
    that side. Some students will benefit by moving the paper even further
    right (or left); depending on how widely they tend to swing the writing


    looking at difficulties in handwriting


    /1/ staircase of
    handwriting function




    • self-administers (administers to others if
      required) handwriting maintenance/improvement procedures -
      self-monitors status of own handwriting (can monitor others'
      handwriting status if required)
    • handwrites unambiguously at practical
      speed(s) for needed duration(s) of task
    • the writer, and others who see and read
      his or her writing, find it at least cceptable in appearance: whether
      or not it conforms exactly with every details of a given school-style
      of handwriting.


    approaching optimal:

    • continues developing handwriting speed to
      needed level(s)
    • handwrites unambiguously for increasing
      durations: word, phrase, sentence, paragraph, page, long task
    • handwrites unambiguously anything s/he can
      say, hear, understand, or think
    • handwrites unmistakably all letters,
      numerals, symbols, punctuation, abbreviations, etc. that s/he
      reads/knows/uses. (NOTE: This will vary depending on the needs of the
      person also because of our changing culture. For example: just a few
      decades ago, very few of us ever needed to write the @ symbol!)


    not-yet-totally-functional handwriting

    (includes most
    of USA normal population!)

    • handwrites legibly or at adequate
      speed or with ease - but does not manage to do all three
    • handwrites unambiguously all or most
      letters in one or more related-motion groups (such as u/a/c/d/g/q
      or n/r/m/h/b/p), but not all the letters and/or not all
      letter-combinations. This writer will show repeated and noticeable
      difficulties involving particular sequences of motion and/or particular
      letters/joins, especially in conventional cursive writing


    someone who can write ...

    but definitely
    a "problem handwriter"

    • handwrites unmistakably one or more
      letters, but not all of them
    • may have (or have had) a lot of difficulty
      with conventional manuscript-then-cursive instruction: (He or she will
      probably tell you: "I hate cursive !")
    • may "fight" conventional cursive , and/or
      attempt a "self-invented" way of writing (typically this will be some
      form of "printing," a mix of upper- & lower-case, and/or atypical
      ways of forming the letters (out-of-order strokes or directions)


    someone in the following situation

    may appear
    unable to write by hand -

    appropriate methods and models for handwriting may make it possible for
    this individual to develop some handwriting competence and ascend
    higher on the "staircase":

    • can hold some object, with some part of
      the body, &/or can move some object and/or body-part to make some
      type of mark (such as a dot or scribble) on some kind of surface.

    • may require a special tool, writing
      surface, or other adaptation to do so


    someone in the following situation
    cannot write by hand:


    • cannot voluntarily move any body part or
      hold any object in any manner whatsoever


    /2/ trouble
    spots in handwriting include:



    • requiring/presenting circle/vertical
      separate shapes for beginners' written letters - the shapes that most
      people, even adults, find  the most difficult to make (at
      least,without drafting tools). Even for people without disabilities,
      these shapes do not really relate to ordinary everyday patterns of



    • use of 2 opposed styles for writing, so
      that students must change their entire already-established writing
      style just to join letters: this means that later learnings oppose
      earlier ones (instead of building on them)
    • requiring fancy versions of
       CAPITALS/b/f/r/s/z in joined writing ... this not only makes the
      letters very difficult to learn and distinguish, but makes them
      extremely dissimilar to the letter-shapes used almost all reading
      matter. In any case, these allegedly necessary fanciments (especially
      for the CAPITALS) do not even appear in the handwriting of many adults
      who write legibly at speed. This makes them difficult to justify on
      grounds of speed or "adultness." Difficulty in mastering these shapes
      also stems from their rarity: only 2% of ordinary prose text consists
      of capital letters, so a student usually does not encounter the
      elaborate conventional cursive forms often enough to remember them
      clearly, or to justify the extended practice that these elaborate
      shapes require for correct mastery, performance, and retention.
    • asking for total joining/looping of all
      letters in script words

      (To experience this problem, try to write
      all these words, in good conventional cursive, without a single
      pen-lift inside any of the words. Can you? Probably not!)

      handwriting Constitutionally
      citizenship Thanksgiving grandmother scientific grandmother
      tyrannosaurus arithmetic thermometer astronomy eleemnosynary
      thyroidectomies uncopyrightable multiculturality

      Some letter-combinations make it very
      hard to join legibly at speed. In many cases, a join/loop may even
      present more difficulties (and allow less speed and legibility) than
      just momentarily lifting the pen during the movement between letters.
      (Examples include joining into tall letters & a/c/d/g/q). Also, our
      attention spans and our hands often need a break from repetitive
      motions after 3 - 5 letters.

    • presenting/teaching extreme "script"
      slant. Using a heavy slant (over 15 degrees to the right) removes the
      cursive letters even further from ordinary (type) letter-forms (a
      vertical stroke in type translates to a  strongly-slanted stroke
      in conventional cursive handwriting) ... also, it optically squashes
      letter-bodies, making them less easy to distinguish.



    but does the
    research support this?


    If you take an interest in writing more
    simply (and/or in teaching your children to do the same), you may ask:

    "What research support this? Does this just represnt one person's - or
    more than one person's - experience? Or have we any hard proof that the
    things Kate suggests really make a difference?"

    Current research does show that the
    differences do make a difference: at least, if your goals in
    handwriting include legibility and speed.

    Here follows a summary of 1998 university
    research on what makes for effective handwriting-skills:

    this research, from the University of
    Washington and the

    University of Maryland, appears in the 1998 issue of HANDWRITING REVIEW, an annual (now semi-annual)
    handwriting-research journal published by the Handwriting
    Interest Group (HIG)
    at the University of Reading (UK).

    Article title:

    Virginia Berninger and Steve Graham -

    "Language by Hand: A Synthesis of a Decade of Research on Handwriting,"
    in HANDWRITING REVIEW (pp. 11-25). Reading (UK):
    Handwriting Interest Group/University of Reading, 1998.

    (Dr. Berninger conducts
    learning-disabilities research at the University of Washington, and Dr.
    teaches/researches in the Education Department of the
    University of Maryland. Funding for the handwriting research done by Berninger
    and Graham at both these universities came through grants from
    the USA's National Institutes of Health [NIH], as part of NIH research
    on assessment and intervention for writing disabilities.)

    Berninger's and Graham's
    research involved 900 children, 100 each in grades 1 through 9 - 50
    boys and 50 girls in each grade, in two USA states (Maryland and

    Below, you'll find the HANDWRITING REVIEW
    abstract of the article, then my own summary of some specific Berninger/Graham
    findings which should interest anyone who cares about better, simpler,
    basic handwriting and how to teach it:

    ABSTRACT from Handwriting Review:

    "An overview is provided of a decade of research in handwriting, with
    an emphasis on the rôle of handwriting in composing for authentic
    communications purposes. This research, which is a joint collaboration
    of two research groups, is theory-driven and has examined the
    neurodevelopmental underpinnings of handwriting, handwriting
    development, gender differences, assessment practices, instructional
    approaches, and transfer from handwriting to other writing and reading
    skills. Key findings from this research program include (a) handwriting
    (producing accurate letters under time-limited conditions)
    is important to writing development throughout the elementary school
    years, and (b) handwriting is language by hand and involves
    more than just fine motor skills."

    by Kate

    /1/ many students do not follow the typical
    classroom expectation of using only one of the types of handwriting
    they learned

    (manuscript - i.e., what most US people would
    call "printing" & most British people would call "script"-

    or cursive - i.e., what most US people would
    call "script" & most British people would call "copperplate")

    throughout a piece of writing. Instead, they
    "mix" elements of both these systems. About 40% of the children
    observed by Berninger and Graham habitually "mixed" handwriting-systems
    in this manner.


    /2/ about SPEED - Berninger and
    Graham observed that those students who used such a "mixed" writing
    wrote faster than the students who complied with the classroom
    expectation of using either one or the other type of handwriting for a
    given piece of work.

    In other words, not only did the students
    with "mixed" writing write faster than "print-writers"
    (we might
    have expected that) but they *also* wrote faster than those
    writing "properly" in all-cursive style
    (something we might NOT
    have expected ... since people often think of "good handwriting" as
    being synonymous with "doing it properly in cursive - because that
    speeds the handwriting"... yet writing in "proper" relentlessly joined
    cursive actually produces slower results, by test, than "mixing" one's

    (Note that those familiar only with conventional USA-style manuscript
    and cursive systems generally apply this description of "mixed
    handwriting" to Italic, the type of handwriting that I recommend.)

    /3/ about LEGIBILITY - Berninger and
    Graham observed that those students using such a "mixed" style of
    writing wrote as legibly as, or more legibly than, students who
    complied with the classroom expectation of writing either consistently
    in conventional manuscript or consistently in conventional cursive.

    In other words, any "proper" (100%-connected,
    etc.) cursive program not only falls short in speed, but does not excel
    in legibility either (and probably falls short in legibility as much as
    in speed). So why insist on a conventional cursive style at any stage?



    /4/ which is faster, manuscript or
    cursive? -
    Berninger and Graham observed that work done
    exclusively in cursive writing was not significantly faster
    than work done exclusively in manuscript writing. (To measure
    handwriting speed, the researchers counted how many accurate letters
    each writer produced per minute.)

    If a relentlessly joined and ornamented
    cursive style - which some people feel must matter so very much - does
    not even exceed the speed of "printing", what reason exists to teach it?


    /5/ which permits better legibility,
    cursive writing or manuscript writing? -
    Berninger and Graham also
    observed that work done exclusively in manuscript writing did not
    make for easier reading than work done exclusively in cursive writing.

    (The researchers evaluated legibility with
    the Test of Legible Handwriting authored by Larsen and Hammill in 1989.)


    To me, findings /1/ - /5/ imply that
    classroom "either/or" expectations for disparate styles -

    "manuscript is manuscript, and cursive is cursive, and never the twain
    shall meet" -

    have counter-productive results, and that instead of imposing a pair of
    disparate styles in quick succession we should definitely teach a
    consistent form of handwriting that combines the best elements of these

    After all, even when 40% of kids write in a
    "mixed" way without any instruction or encouragement in doing
    so, their "mixed" writing has superior results in speed and has at
    least equal results in legibility.



    Some additional Berninger/Graham findings:


    /6/ Berninger and Graham observed that the
    average speed and legibility of children's handwriting rose steadily,
    grade after grade, from first through ninth grade (complete tables are
    given in their article) with one striking exception - while
    children were in third grade, their speed and legibility reverted to
    first-grade levels (only afterwards, in fourth grade, did the speed and
    legibility slowly begin to rise again.)

    The authors attribute this loss of
    handwriting competence to the fact that third-grade students in the USA
    are normally required to change their handwritings - this is typically
    the year when students are expected to alter their handwriting-style
    from what they were previously taught (manuscript) and now write in a
    very different style (cursive).

    (To me, finding /6/ implies that classroom
    expectations for a change of styles are counter-productive, and that
    instead we should be teaching a single style to prevent this


    general observations relating to
    teaching/learning of any style


    /7/ Berninger and Graham observed that girls
    in the study typically wrote more fluently than boys, and that this
    fluency seemed to translate into girls getting better grades for
    written work than boys -

    there also appears some evidence, according to Berninger and Graham,
    that most girls use left-hemisphere processing for handwriting
    (mentally coding letters verbally) but most boys use right-hemisphere
    processing (coding letters spatially) and that the spatial coding slows
    retrieval (makes it more difficult to remember, on demand, how a letter
    is to look


    /8/ Berninger and Graham observed also that,
    when handwriting instruction involves what the researchers called
    "verbal mediation"

    (verbalizing specific directions for how to
    form the letter in connection with tracing/copying/writing),

    handwriting-learning and -performance
    actually deteriorate

    (i.e., students who receive "verbal
    mediation" as part of their handwriting instruction do *less* well than
    students who receive the same trace/copy/write instruction but with the
    verbal-mediation component *left out*) -


    Berninger and Graham suspect that adding the
    task of verbal comprehension/memorization/description to the task of
    mastering/using handwriting, in their words, "uses up limited working
    memory resources in the beginning writer."

    (I'd like to note at this point that many
    "standard" handwriting-instruction programs in the USA

    (and perhaps in other countries too?)

    specifically *require* teachers and/or
    students to use this counter-productive "verbal mediation"-style
    step-by-step oral description of letters and/or strokes.)


    Yet ANOTHER interesting finding of the
    Berninger/Graham team was this:


    When the researchers compared the
    effectiveness of various strategies in handwriting-instruction other
    than hearing/memorizing verbal descriptions

    (copying a model-letter,

    demonstrating the motor acts involved in
    forming a letter & asking students to copy these acts,

    providing numbered arrows as visual cues for
    letter-formation -

    requiring students to write letters from
    memory after increasing

    time-intervals -

    using both numbered arrows *and* writing of
    letters from memory after

    increasing intervals) -

    it was the combination of numbered arrows
    and writing from memory after increasing intervals that
    produced significantly greater improvement in handwriting, and greater
    "automaticity" of handwriting behavior

    (students did not have to consciously think
    about how to form each letter every time)

    compared with any of the other approaches or
    with a "no intervention" approach ("control" group)


    - the combination of numbered arrows
    and writing from memory after increasing intervals also
    produced significantly greater transfer of handwriting-skills into the
    students' written composition outside of handwriting-instruction

    (What was interesting to me here was that
    "copy the model", which is probably THE most common and typical
    strategy of classroom teachers, appeared *not* to actually be the best
    strategy for teaching/learning of letter-forms.

    Numbered arrows (one component of the study's
    most successful strategy) are of course common, but I know *very* few
    if any teachers/curricula who use or even *mention* the other half of
    the most successful strategy (memory after increasing intervals) in
    learning letter-forms. Try both halves of that most successful
    strategy (numbered arrows and writing letters from memory
    after increasing intervals of time
    ) and tell me
    what you think!


    short resource list (some available

    Fairbank, Alfred, A Handwriting Manual and
    A Book of Scripts.

    (out of print: stocks still available from John Neal,
    Bookseller, Inc.
    , 1-800-369-9598 or e-mail JNealBooks@aol.com)

    Barbara and Dubay, Inga
    , Write Now: A Complete
    Self-Teaching Program For Better Handwriting

    Portland [OR]: Portland State University Media Resources, 1991
    (1-800-547-8887, extension 4891. Other materials are also available
    from this source)

    , Development of Handwriting Skills. Second
    edition. Melbourne (Australia): Basil Blackwell, 1999 - or e-mail
    Christopher at quilljar@btinternet.com

    - or visit
    handwriting site
    to learn more

    Lehman, Charles L., Handwriting Models
    for Schools.
    (out of print, but stocks still available from John Neal,
    Bookseller, Inc.
    1-800-369-9598 or e-mail JNealBooks@aol.com
    ). You may also wish to inquire from Charles L. Lehman himself at
    ... and you may enjoy visiting his web-site at http://www.hevanet.com/scribe

    For a much fuller resource list

    (now 60 kilobytes!), e-mail me -

    make sure that your
    message's SUBJECT-line contains the words "handwriting resource list"


    chichen scratches

    don't despair! By these presents know ye: Writing "fowl" deserves
    repair -- Then its looks will blow ye!


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    Gladstone -

    The Handwriting Repairwoman

    Kate Gladstone


    325 South Manning Boulevard

    Albany, NY 12208 1942 USA

    telephone: 1 518 482 6763 

    e-mail: handwritingrepair@gmail.com

    Many physicians claim that pharmacists
    can always read any prescription, no matter how difficult, if they try.
    Yet numerous pharmacist- and physician-oriented
    journals, web-sites, and blogs display the most strikingly illegible
    "mystery scripts" chosen from among the thousands of prescriptions seen
    by the authors/editors or sent in by readers.
    Sometimes, after
    displaying one of these difficult puzzles the editor or site-owner
    provides the correct reading. However, patients deserve the correct
    medication more than "sometimes.

    The prescription puzzle "guessing game"
    has serious consequences.
    for the Institute of Safe Medication Practices' (ISMP)
    16-July-1997 report of a case in which a physician, a pharmacist and a
    pharmacy all faced a lawsuit for damages as a result of a death caused
    by the physician's illegible handwriting - the report includes a
    graphic of the illegibly lethal prescription.
    According to the
    ISMP: "This [death] ... could set a new standard of practice."
